The Department of Statistics (DOS) Anonymised Microdata Access Programme (AMAP) facilitates research using anonymised microdata in a secured environment. Under the Statistics Act 1973, eligible academic researchers can have access to selected datasets to address important research questions. The programme supports complex analyses like advanced econometrics and regression studies to be conducted on various economic, social and manpower topics.

Who Can Apply?

✓ Researchers holding full-time appointments in Singapore’s Autonomous Universities

How to Apply for Anonymised Microdata Access?

Interested applicants may submit a proposal by filling in the AMAP application form below. Applicants are encouraged to discuss their proposed projects with DOS before submitting the application form, for DOS's inputs and guidance on the requirements for the project. Applicants may be asked to provide additional information to DOS to facilitate the processing of the application. All anonymised microdata requests will be assessed by relevant data sources and policy agencies, and approved by an inter-agency Anonymised Microdata Review Panel (AMRP) before anonymised microdata access is provided.

Application Form microsoft word 103KB

Frequently Asked Questions PDF icon 290KB

Application Procedure

Stage 1: Application

1 - Applicants may submit the application form and legal undertaking, signed by the applicants and their Responsible Officer*, to DOS

2 - DOS assesses the application, together with relevant data source and policy agencies

3 - DOS seeks applicants' agreement to the estimated costs

Stage 2: Approval

1 - DOS submits recommendations to the Anonymised Microdata Review Panel (AMRP)^ for approval

2 - If approved, DOS will inform the applicants of the outcome

3 - Researchers may access anonymised microdata in DOS Innovation Data Lab

* The Responsible Officer must be an officer from the applicants’ autonomous university who is the Divisional Director / Vice Provost or of an equivalent appointment who oversees the research project.

^ The AMRP comprises of members from key data and policy agencies and is responsible for assessing and approving each AMAP application.

Application Cycles

AMAP applications run on a quarterly cycle. The deadlines for submission of AMAP application for each cycle in 2024/25 are as follows:


Submission deadline

Application Processing Dates

1 6 January 2024 7 January 2024 - 2 March 2024
2 23 March 2024 24 March 2024 - 18 May 2024
3 8 June 2024 9 June 2024 - 3 August 2024
4 24 August 2024 25 August 2024 - 19 October 2024
5 9 November 2024 10 November 2024 - 4 January 2024
6 25 January 2025 26 January 2025 - 22 March 2025
7 12 April 2025 13 April 2025 - 7 June 2025

Applications received on or before the deadline for a cycle will be processed in that batch; applications received after the deadline will go into the following cycle.

What Datasets are Available?

(1) Annual Industry Surveys /
(2) Census of Manufacturing Activities
  • Operating revenue breakdown (e.g., sales of goods, services income, leasing income, royalties)
  • Operating expenditure breakdown (e.g., purchases of goods, rental costs, freight & transport, maintenance & repair)
  • Fixed assets breakdown (e.g., building & structure, transport equipment, computers & peripherals, other machinery & equipment)
  • Total remuneration
  • Value-added
  • Operating surplus
(3) Census of Population /
(4) General Household Survey
  • Demographics (e.g., age, sex, marital status, no. of children born for female)
  • Economic characteristics (e.g., employment status, occupation, industry, monthly income from work, usual hours worked)
  • Education profile (e.g., highest qualification, field of study, country where highest qualification is attained, level of education attending)
  • Household characteristics (e.g., house type, tenancy, household size, household income)
  • Transport patterns (e.g., mode of transport, travel time)
(5) Household Expenditure Survey
  • Demographics (e.g., age, sex, marital status)
  • Economic characteristics (e.g., employment status, occupation, industry, monthly income from work)
  • Education profile (e.g., highest qualification, level of education attending)
  • Household characteristics (e.g., house type, tenancy, household size)
  • Household income from all sources (e.g., work, rental, investment, government transfers)
  • Household expenditure details (e.g., food, housing & utilities, health, education, transport, recreation at detailed levels)
  • Availability of consumer durables/ services (e.g., car, air-conditioner, PC, mobile phone, Internet access)

Data Dictionaries

To request for access to the data dictionaries, please click on the links below.

Annual Industry Survey
Census of Manufacturing Activities
Census of Population
General Household Survey
Household Expenditure Survey

Five Safes Framework

DOS puts in place five safeguards to ensure that the sharing of anonymised microdata under AMAP is safe and secure.

Safe Project

Projects are reviewed and approved by multi-agency panel chaired by Chief Statistician.

Safe People

Only approved researchers comprising (1) public officers (2) commissioned researchers (3) academic researchers from local AUs.

Safe Data

Microdata are anonymised to prevent re-identification of individuals and businesses.

Safe Settings

Data access in approved data exploitation environments (i.e. DOS Innovation Data Lab).

Safe Output

Only non-disclosive statistical results are removed from the lab.


Please contact for further enquiries.