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Latest Highlights

Trade and Investment

17 Sep 2024
Non-oil domestic exports declined 4.7% in Aug 2024 on a month-on-month seasonally adjusted basis, after the 12.2% expansion in the previous month.


05 Sep 2024
Retail sales rose 1.0% in Jul 2024 compared to Jul 2023. Excluding motor vehicles, retail sales dropped 2.3%. Sales of food & beverage services increased 0.2% in Jul 2024 compared to Jul 2023.

Economy and Prices

29 Aug 2024
The Import, Export, Singapore Manufactured Products and Domestic Supply Price Indices fell 0.2%, 0.7%, 2.6% and 1.9% respectively in Jul 2024 over Jun 2024.

Economy and Prices

28 Aug 2024
Household net worth grew by 8.0% on a year-on-year basis in 2Q 2024. Growth in assets and liabilities were marginally higher in 2Q 2024 compared to 1Q 2024.


27 Aug 2024
Business receipts of Singapore’s Services industries, excluding Wholesale Trade, Retail Trade, Accommodation and Food Services, increased 9.7% in 2Q 2024 compared to 2Q 2023.


26 Aug 2024
Manufacturing output increased 10.1% in Jul 2024 on a seasonally adjusted month-on-month basis.

Economy and Prices

23 Aug 2024
CPI in Jul 2024 fell 0.3% from the previous month and rose 2.4% from a year earlier.

Economy and Prices

23 Aug 2024
Joint press release on “Consumer Price Developments in Jul 2024” by MAS and MTI.

Economy and Prices

22 Aug 2024
In nominal terms, personal disposable income grew by 4.0% in 2Q 2024, moderating from the 6.1% increase in the previous quarter due to weaker growth of compensation of employees and gross operating surplus on ownership of dwellings. Personal saving rate decreased to 28.8% in 2Q 2024 from 36.2% in the previous quarter.


20 Aug 2024
Domestic wholesale sales increased 11.3% in 2Q 2024 compared to 2Q 2023. Excluding petroleum, domestic wholesale sales rose 15.4%. Foreign wholesale sales increased 8.6% over the same period. Excluding petroleum, foreign wholesale sales grew by 9.9%.

Economy and Prices

13 Aug 2024
The Singapore economy expanded by 2.9% on a year-on-year basis in 2Q 2024. Singapore's GDP growth forecast for 2024 has been narrowed to 2.0% to 3.0% from 1.0% to 3.0%.


02 Aug 2024
In 2022, the total e-commerce revenue of the services sector in Singapore was $401.1 bil, accounting for 7.4% of the total services sector’s operating revenue.
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CPI Explained

Why does the reported inflation differ from my personal experience?

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GDP - Did You Know?

GDP Explained

What activities contribute to Singapore's GDP?

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Understanding Foreign Direct Investment and Fixed Assets Investment Commitments

FDI Flows vs FAI Commitments Explained

How do Foreign Direct Investment flows differ from Fixed Assets Investment commitments?

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DYK Median Household Income

Household Income Explained

Why does the reported median household income differ from my personal experience?

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Anonymised Microdata Access Programme (AMAP)

How to apply for access to anonymised microdata sets such as Census of Poplulation and the Household Expenditure Survey?

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Impact of Concerts Explained

How do concerts held in Singapore benefit the economy?

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Our Publications

Import & Export Price Indices
Prices and Price Indices

Import and Export Price Indices, Jul 2024

Singapore Manufactured Products and Domestic Supply Price Indices
Prices and Price Indices

Singapore Manufactured Products & Domestic Supply Price Indices, Jul 2024

Statistics on Marriages and Divorces 2023
Marital Status Marriages and Divorces

Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2023

Import & Export Price Indices
Prices and Price Indices

Services Producer Price Indices, 1Q 2024

Complete Life Tables 2022 to 2023
Death and Life Expectancy

Complete Life Tables for Singapore Resident Population, 2022-2023

SSN Issue 1 2024

Statistics Singapore Newsletter Issue 1, 2024

SSOC 2024

Singapore Standard Occupational Classification 2024

Key Household Income Trends 2023
Household Income

Key Household Income Trends, 2023

Yearbook of Statistics Singapore 2019

eBook of Statistics


Singapore in Figures

Population Trends 2023
Population and Population Structure

Population Trends, 2023