Question1of 8
1 Which of the following are components of foreign direct investment stock?

i. Share capital held by the foreign direct investor
ii. Reserves attributable to the foreign direct investor
iii. Bank loans
iv. Loans from foreign direct investor
2 Under what circumstances can stock of foreign direct investment decline?

i. Divestment by foreign direct investors
ii. Foreign affiliates are operating at a loss
iii. Dividends distributed by foreign affiliates are higher than current earnings
iv. Repayment of loans from foreign direct investors

What was the estimated stock of Singapore’s direct investment abroad as at end 2021? 


Which industry abroad attracted the highest amount of Singapore’s direct investment abroad as at end 2021?

5 What was the estimated stock of foreign direct investment in Singapore as at end 2021?
6 Investment from which region contributed to the largest share of foreign direct investment stock in Singapore as at end 2021?
7 Foreign Direct Investment refers to cross-border investment where a direct investor, residing in one economy, owns _______ or more of the ordinary shares or voting power in a direct investment enterprise, residing in another country?
8 The net lending component in foreign direct investment refers to the net inter-company debt transactions between a direct investor and its _______ .
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