Items Unit Latest Period Latest Data % Change
(Y-o-Y)  1/
Period Data
% Change
(Y-o-Y)  2/
Finance and Insurance            
Money Supply (M1) 3/ 4/ S$m May-24 269,690.8 5.1 271,434.4 7.6
Money Supply (M2) 3/ 4/ S$m May-24 797,803.6 2.0 799,706.1 3.1
Singapore Overnight Rate Average % p.a Jun-24 3.43
3-month S$ SIBOR % p.a Jun-24 4.05 -0.04 4.05 -0.04
12-week MAS Bill Rate % p.a Jun-24 3.90
3.86 -0.23
5-year Govt Bond Interest Rate % p.a Jun-24 3.19
Exchange Rate S$ per US$ (as at end-month) S$ per US$ Jun-24 1.3585 0.2 1.3507 -0.2
Official Foreign Reserves at end of year S$m 2023 463,044.3 19.3 388,256.1 -31.1
Exchange Rate S$ per US$ (as at end of period) S$ per US$ 2023 1.3186 -1.9 1.3446 -0.5
Items Unit Latest Period Latest Data % Change
(Y-o-Y)  1/
Period Data
% Change
(Y-o-Y)  2/
Commercial Banks

Local 5/ 6/ Number 2023 6 na 4 na
Foreign 5/ Number 2023 126 na 127 na

Data are preliminary when first released.
na not available or not applicable.
1 Refers to % change in latest period over the same period in the previous year.
2 Refers to % change in the previous period over the same period in the previous year.
3 Data have been revised from Jul 2021 following changes to the MAS Notice 610.
4 Data prior to Jul 2021 on a comparable basis with the Jul 2021 data are not available.
5 At end of period.
6 All local banks are full banks.

Detailed Statistical Time Series

Currency Statistics

Foreign Exchange Market

Reserve Statistics

Pawnshop Statistics