Month/Year of Release Description
Jul 2024 Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2023
Statistics on Marriages and Divorces 2023  Abstract
Statistics on Marriages and Divorces, 2023 is an annual publication presented in three parts. Parts One and Two analyse marriage trends and characteristics of grooms and brides as well as the nature of divorces and characteristics of divorcees in the reference year. Part Three presents cohort data on dissolution rates of marriages which provides insights on the trends in the stability of marriages by marriage cohorts and their profiles.
Latest Issue: 2024
Frequency: Annual
ISSN: 2591-7900
File Download:
Table of Contents pdf(166 KB)
Full Report pdf(8.1 MB)
Infographics pdf(147 KB)
Marriages zip-icon (547 KB)
Divorces & Annulments zip-icon (458 KB)
Marriage Cohort Dissolutions excel (559 KB)