Macroeconomic Indicators

Indicators of economic performance include real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) or Gross National Income (GNI), real GDP or GNI per capita, unemployment rate, Consumer Price Index (CPI) and balance of trade. Understand how index numbers are interpreted, including the base year and use of weights. Explore Singapore's foreign direct investment (FDI) trends and learn about key FDI concepts.

Gross Domestic Product

Balance of Payments

Consumer Price Index

Consumer Price Index
Consumer Price Index Infographic

An animated overview of the Singapore Consumer Price Index, presenting latest inflation rates for general households and by household income groups.

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Consumer Price Index Quiz

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is designed to measure the average price changes in a fixed basket of consumption goods and services commonly purchased by resident households over time. It is commonly used as a measure of consumer price inflation.

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Consumer Price Index
Consumer Price Index Dashboard

The interactive dashboard allows you to explore the Consumer Price Index for general households for items at division level and in various frequencies.

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Price Changes and the Consumer Price Index
Price Changes and the Consumer Price Index

This video explains that the Consumer Price Index (CPI) reflects the average price changes across various items and outlets, and that individual experiences may differ depending on the items consumed.

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Price Changes and the Consumer Price Index
Price Changes and the CPI Quiz

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) represents the average price movements across various items and outlets and reflects the collective experience of inflation for all households.

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How are Prices Collected for the Compilation of Consumer Price Index?

This video highlights the variety of ways in which prices are collected for the compilation of the Consumer Price Index (CPI).

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How are Prices Collected for the Compilation of CPI? Quiz

The price data used in the compilation of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) are obtained from a wide range of retailers and service providers and are gathered through a combination of data collection modes.

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Household Sector Balance Sheet

Producer Price Indices

Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables